Spell checking maps and documents

You can spell check selected topics and maps without opening them by simply right-clicking the topic or map and selecting Spellcheck.

The results of the spell check are displayed in the Spellchecker view, shown in the following diagram:
Spellchecker view
The Spellchecker view provides the following information:
  • Number of errors found in the spellchecked documents
  • For each spelling error, the following information is provided:
    • Misspelled word
    • Number of occurrences of the misspelled word
    • Document in which the misspelled word was found
    Words are listed once per document, even if the document contains multiple occurrences of the misspelled word. Words that are misspelled in multiple documents are listed once per document.

Case sensitivity

The Spellchecker is case sensitive; for example, Unix and unix are considered two different words when spell checking.
Note: The Replace feature is case insensitive; for example, if you select unix and replace it with Unix, it will replace all occurrences of the word unix, no matter its casing (e.g., Unix, unix, UNIX will be replaced with Unix).


The Spellchecker works with any language configured for your deployment.

To determine the dictionary used to spell check a document, the Spellchecker uses the value of the xml:language attribute in the root element of the map or topic. For example, consider the following topic:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//IXIA//DTD IXIA DITA Composite//EN" "IxiaDitabase.dtd">
<concept id="lar1397660192605" xml:lang="en-us">
    <title >Troubleshooting the Tomcat installation</title>

The en-us dictionary will be used to spell check that document, and custom words will be added to the en-us custom dictionary.

Skipped elements

By default, the spell checker skips the contents specified in the <codeblock> and <codeph> elements. This is configurable per deployment, so check with your CMS Administrator for the list of skipped elements.