IXIA CCMS is a documentation solution that combines the mechanics of an extensible environment, a powerful Content Management System (CMS), and the elegant modularity of DITA.
IXIA CCMS is a documentation solution that combines the mechanics of an extensible environment, a powerful Component Content Management System (CCMS), and the elegant modularity of DITA. The application was developed for the Eclipse IDE and is delivered as a plug-in that connects MadCap Software's TEXTML Server with users working with DITA XML files. The result is an efficient workspace from which text-based documents such as DITA topics and maps, as well as binary image files, can be authored, managed, tracked, and published.
The union of DITA architecture with a CCMS provides tremendous control and flexibility for managing structured units of information. This evolution for technical documentation lets users:
Work modularly
Modify and track documents through a well-defined workflow
Repurpose content for required markets and audiences
Manage the localization process
Deliver documentation in a variety of different formats
Work in a collaborative environment
Improve consistency in content structures
Re-use content in multiple deliverables