Create a viewpoint to group search results

You can use a viewpoint to group a large number of search results into folders, according to a set of criteria.

By automatically organizing the search results into folders, you can review the results in each folder instead of becoming overwhelmed by a long list of results. For example, if you are searching for orphan topics, you could set up folders so that the topics would be arranged according to topic type.

To create viewpoints:

  1. Open the DITA perspective.
  2. Open the Search Results view.
  3. In Search Results view, click Configure grouping button (Manage Viewpoints).
  4. In the Manage Viewpoints window, click Create a viewpoint (Create Viewpoint).
    Figure: Manage Viewpoints window

  5. Type a name to identify the viewpoint, then click OK.
  6. Click the Grouping Columns tab.
  7. From the Available Fields pane, select a field you want to use in the search, then click Add a field to the viewpoint (Add button).
    Repeat until you have included all the fields you need to build your search.
  8. Click the up and down arrows to choose the order of the fields.
  9. Click the Display Columns tab.
  10. From the Available Fields pane, select a field you want to see as a column header in the view when the search results are displayed, then click Add a field to the viewpoint(Add button).
    Repeat until you have included all the fields you want displayed.
  11. Click the up and down arrows to choose the order of the fields.
  12. Click OK.
Your new viewpoint is now available from the Select Viewpoint dropdown list.