Search for documents
To search for documents, enter search criteria in the Search view. Results are displayed in the Search Results view.
This topic describes the most common panels in the Search view. For more information on the Dates, Advanced Search, Taxonomy Terms, and Queries panel, see the documentation for these panels.
To search the Content Store:
- Open the DITA perspective.
- Click the Search tab.
In the Cycles panel,
select the document cycles you want to search.
Figure: Cycles panel
By default, all the states in the cycle selected will be searched. For example, if you select Authoring and click the dropdown arrow to the right of Authoring, a menu with all the states that are defined for your deployment displays.
Figure: Sample list of cycles in search -
To specify a different list of states, select or deselect the states as
indicates that all the states in the cycle are selected and
indicates that only some of the states are selected. Click the dropdown arrow to view the selections.
Note: The notification at the top of a panel:selected items are different from default items
means that the selections you made are different from the selections that you saved as the default by using thebutton.
In the Document Types panel, select the document objects
you for search.
Figure: Sample Document Types panel
By default, your selection searches all the subtypes for the selected document type. For example, if you select Maps and click the dropdown arrow to the right of Maps to see all the map types that are defined for your deployment.
Figure: Sample Document Types menu - To specify a different list of subtypes, select and deselect the required subtypes.
In the Search for panel,
enter a search string, such as the title of the document object.
Figure: Search for panel
Tip: Search is not case-sensitive. You can use wildcards to refine your search; click thebutton for a list of operators and their descriptions.
To search a specific section of the objects, such as the title element, select
the element from the Search in list.
By default, a search checks the whole document for the specified fulltext string. You can search a specific element, index, or attribute by changing the value in the Search in dropdown list.
- Optional:
In the Limit to panel, select additional search
Figure: Limit to panel
- Under Locked by, choose me or others.
- To find documents assigned to a specific user, select Assigned to and then select the name of the user in the dropdown list. You can also enter text directly in the Assigned to field to search for a specific user name.
- To find documents assigned to a specific role, select Role and then select the role in the dropdown list.
- To search for document objects within the active map context, select Dita Map view.
To search for document objects belonging to a specific project, select
Project and choose a project.
Note: The list displays only projects to which you belong.
- To search for document objects that were last modified by a specific user, select Last Modified By and select a user name.
- To search for branched documents, select Branch and then select the branch tag from the dropdown list.
- To search documents that are not referenced by any other document in the repository, select Orphans.
In the Languages panel, select at least one language of
the documents for search.
Figure: Languages panel
- To append the search results to an existing search results list, select Append to current results.
- Click the Search button.