Advanced Search example: Using multiple criteria

When using three or more criteria in the Advanced Search, the order in which you specify the criteria is very important. This example shows how to use multiple criteria in the Advanced Search.

For example, to find all the referable-content topics in authoring that were used in versions 1.12 or 1.13 of the documentation, enter the following Advanced Search criteria:

  1. version=1.12
  2. or version=1.13
  3. and topic-type=referable-content

The Advanced Search will first retrieve all the topics that are in version 1.12 or version 1.13 and will then retrieve from this list all the referable-content topics. Entering the criteria in a different order would not return the desired search.

  1. In the Cycles panel of the Search view, select Authoring.
  2. In the Document Types panel, select Topics.
  3. If necessary, expand the Advanced Search panel.
    The default Operator is and, which indicates inclusion of the Advanced Search panel criteria in the criteria of the other panels.
  4. Click in the Type column.
  5. Click the indicator and select index from the dropdown list.
    Advanced select type
  6. Click in the Name column.
  7. Click the indicator and select Version from the dropdown list.
  8. Enter 1.12 in the Value field.
  9. Click the Add a new line button (Add advanced search line button).
  10. Click in the Operator column.
  11. Select the or operator.
  12. Click in the Type column.
  13. Click the indicator and select index from the dropdown list.
  14. Click in the Name column.
  15. Click the indicator and select Version from the dropdown list.
  16. Enter 1.13 in the Value field.
  17. Click the Add a new line button (Add advanced search line button).
  18. Click in the Type column.
  19. Click the indicator and select index from the dropdown list.
  20. Click in the Name column.
  21. Click the indicator and select Type from the dropdown list.
  22. Click in the Value column.
  23. Click the indicator and select referable-content from the dropdown list.
    The Advanced Search panel should look as follows:
    Advanced search example
  24. Click Search.