Specify compare tool

You can use an alternate tool for the compare function.

If you'd rather use your own external tool, rather than the Eclipse built-in tool within IXIA CCMS, you can specify your alternate.

  1. From the Window menu, select Preferences.
  2. In the resulting Preferences dialog, select IXIA CCMS > General Behavior.
  3. In the General Behavior pane and the External Compare area, click the Browse... button.
    The Browse For File dialog appears.
  4. Browse to the required application and select it.
    Note: If your compare tool requires command line parameters, you may need to write a batch file and select it instead.
  5. Click OK.
    The path to the selected application or batch file appears in the Application field.
  6. Select the documents types that the compare tool should be used with Topics or Maps, or both.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Click OK.
The specified compare tool is installed and ready for use with the document types you selected.