Export content

You can export content from IXIA CCMS Desktop so that it is available outside of the system.

For example, you can export the content and send your DITA source to a customer or external user. Or you could export it to build output using a standalone DITA Open Toolkit as a troubleshooting measure.

Important: MadCap Software does not recommend exporting content from CCMS Desktop with the intention of performing external edits and re-import. While CCMS Desktop does support this from a functional standpoint, you run the risk of losing revision history and potentially overwriting any changes that occurred within CCMS Desktop after you export the content. The re-import is an overwrite, not a merge.
  1. Locate the map, topic, or image you want to export.

    When you export an object, the export includes all the objects references. For example, an exported map would include submaps, topics, images, and topics referenced through xrefs, conrefs, and keyrefs.

  2. Right-click the object, and select Generate Output.
  3. In the Output Format dropdown list, select Export.

    If this option is not available, you might not have a role that has access to the Export feature or the output type is disabled. Ask your system administrator.

  4. Select other options as appropriate and click Create.

    It is not currently possible to apply a ditaval to exported content. The export process only gathers the required content from the Content Store and returns it to you. The DITA Open Toolkit is not involved in the export, and there is no opportunity to perform any transformation on the content.

  5. Select the location to save the zip file of exported content.
Within the zip file, the exported content is in the content\authoring subfolder. This subfolder contains a number of items other than the content itself. For each exported object, the following files are provided:
  • *.properties
  • *.customproperties
  • *.indexedcontent
While you can use information in these files for different purposes, neither you nor a third party needs them to generate basic output. You can delete them if you choose.
Important: If you are sending the content to a third party to generate their own output, you must also send the following plug-ins from the Output Generator:
  • com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd
  • org.oasis-open.dita.mathml.doctypes
  • com.ixiasoft.images
  • org.w3c.mathml3