Configure the Java wrapper

The Java wrapper allows Java applications to run as independent services (in Windows) or daemons (in Linux). The IXIA CCMS Output Generator's wrapper.conf file is used to identify the CCMS Output Generator's Java libraries, determine whether the service will restart automatically upon reboot or not, and the maximum Java heap size.

It can also be used to customize the CCMS Output Generator Windows service name and description.

Note: For a description of all of the possible settings of wrapper.conf see:

To configure the CCMS Output Generator's Java wrapper:

  1. Open the %OutputGenDir%/conf/wrapper.conf file.
    Note: If this is the first time that you are installing the CCMS Output Generator, open the wrapper.conf.empty file and save it as wrapper.conf (remove the empty suffix).
  2. Set the value to point to the Java executable on the host server.

    For example:

    Windows example:
    # Wrapper Java Properties
    # Java Application\Program Files\Java\jdk-11\bin\java.exe
    Linux example:
    # Wrapper Java Properties
    # Java Application\Program Files\Java\jdk-11\bin\java.exe
    Some notes:
    • If you keep the default value (, the CCMS Output Generator will use the Java executable specified in the PATH variable. While this may work, IXIASOFT recommends that you point to the Java executable that you want to use.
    • The examples above specify an absolute path to the Java executable, but you can also specify a relative path.
  3. Configure the Java heap size.

    For example:

    # Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)
    Tip: Maximum heap size is the maximum amount of memory the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is allowed to allocate for CCMS Output Generator activities. As a rule of thumb, MadCap Software recommends a value of 2048 MB for a 64-bit system, or 1024 MB for a 32-bit system. You can increase this value if you observe out-of-memory issues.
    Restriction: The 64-bit Java has no predefined upper limit for Java heap size. Be careful to set the maximum value of the heap size so that it does not exceed the physical memory; otherwise, the machine will swap out the memory to disk, which will compromise the CCMS Output Generator's performance.
  4. If SSL is enabled on IXIA TEXTML Server, update the configuration of the Java wrapper for CCMS Output Generator.
    IXIA CCMS Output Generator may have issues connecting to a Content Store when SSL is enabled. To fix this, do the following:
    1. In the wrapper.conf file, uncomment the following lines after line 60 by removing # from the beginning of the line:

      These lines define the keystore location and keystore password properties.

    2. Change the variable %JAVA_HOME% to the actual path of the Java installation used by the CCMS Output Generator.
  5. (Optional): For instances where you do not want the service to automatically restart (such as on a test server), look for wrapper.ntservice.starttype and change the default setting of AUTO_START to DEMAND_START.
  6. (Optional, for Windows only): Customize the CCMS Output Generator Windows service name and description.
    1. Modify the name of the service:

      For example:

      # Name of the service 
      Note: Embedded space characters are not allowed.
    2. Modify the display name of the service:

      For example:

      # Display name of the service
      wrapper.ntservice.displayname=Ixiasoft OutGen 
    3. Modify description of the service:

      For example:

      # Description of the service
      wrapper.ntservice.description=Output Generator
  7. Save and close wrapper.conf.

While you can change the logging level for CCMS Output Generator events in the wrapper.conf file, this is not recommended. To change the logging level, use the file in the CCMS Output Generator's configuration directory.