CCMS Desktop specifications

The CCMS Desktop is a set of plug-ins that run on the Eclipse Framework, which is a Java-based program.

Users can use CCMS Desktop to access all the IXIA CCMS functionality, which includes:
  • DITA map editing
  • Topic authoring (using oXygen XML Editor/Author)
  • Advanced search
  • Version control
  • Link management
  • Image management
  • Configuration management
  • Localization management
  • Multi-format publishing
  • Dynamic Release Management (DRM)

Interactions with other components

CCMS Desktop interacts with the different CCMS components through the following processes:

  • The CCMS Desktop opens an outgoing connection to IXIA TEXTML Server on port 2500/2551 to store, search, and retrieve the DITA documents and the user configuration.
  • Until the user releases documents to store them in the Content Store, they are saved to the user's Eclipse workspace, which is a directory on the user's workstation.
  • The CCMS Desktop opens an outgoing connection to the IXIA CCMS Output Generator on port 1500 (default) to generate the appropriate output type (PDF, HTML, etc.).
  • If the CCMS Output Generator is configured to establish a callback to the CCMS Desktop, the client listens on TCP port 1501 (default) to receive progress reports. To disable the callback, set the TCP port to 0.