IXIASOFT TEXTML Server specifications

TEXTML Server is a process that runs on Windows or Linux. The TEXTML Server software is compiled per platform, so the binaries cannot be shared between operating systems (OS) and platforms.

Interactions with other components

TEXTML Server interacts with the different IXIA CCMS components through the following processes:

  • The CCMS documents are kept in a docbase. When the CCMS solution is initially installed, a docbase is created to store documents. A docbase is implemented as an XML database of TEXTML Server. A docbase is a set of files organized in a folder/directory structure. TEXTML Server must have full access rights to the directory that holds the docbase.
  • The TEXTML Server configuration is stored in a local XML file.
  • A set of messages, events, and status are written to a local log file.
  • By default, TEXTML Server listens on TCP port 2500 for requests coming in from the IXIA CCMS Desktop, IXIA CCMS Output Generator, IXIA CCMS Scheduler, and CCMS Web Server.

The docbase

The docbase contains the following data:
  • DITA documents: Maps and topics
  • Non-DITA documents: Images and other resources such as PDF files, videos, legacy documentation, and so on
  • Workgroup configuration: Set of business rules that define the workflow for the documents in the docbase. This configuration specifies the sequence of states that the documents must follow as well as access rights, user group definitions, dictionaries, etc., for the docbase data.

An CCMS deployment might require more than one docbase if there are teams within a company that require different sets of business rules or workflows. This can be the case, for example, if a department cannot share content (such as legal documentation that needs to be stored separately), or if different states or user access rights are required.