Network latency requirements

Your network must provide adequate network communication between IXIA TEXTML Server and other IXIA CCMS components.


The ping time from CCMS Desktop and the TEXTML Server must meet the following requirements:
  • At minimum, it must be less than 50 milliseconds.
  • Ideally, it should be less than 20 milliseconds for good performance.

If the network latency is too high for a user to connect from their local machine, consider using a remote access solution. See Remote access servers.

IXIA CCMS application servers

The server with TEXTML Server and the application servers (where the CCMS Output Generator and CCMS Web clients are deployed) should be preferably in the same data center and ideally on the same network segment. This should provide a latency below 5 milliseconds. If the latency starts to exceed 20 milliseconds, you might experience performance issues on some workloads.