Security groups for TEXTML Server

Security groups are required to simplify management of access to the docbase of the TEXTML Server.

You can organize your users in specific security groups to give them the appropriate permissions and rights. These permissions and rights are separate from the rights to perform specific actions the IXIA CCMS.

Typically, you need about four groups to achieve a balance between flexibility and manageability. The groups are based on the following divisions:
  • the overall roles: a regular user or a CCMS administrator
  • the environment: to access the docbase in the Production environment or the Test environment

For example, you might create the following groups and configure the following roles in TEXTML Server:

Group Details
ccms-prod-users On the TEXTML Server in the Production environment, set the group with the Roles: Server user and Default document base user.
ccms-prod-admins On the TEXTML Server in the Production environment, set the group with the Roles: Server administrator.
ccms-test-users On the TEXTML Server in the Test environment, set the group with the Roles: Server user and Default document base user.
ccms-test-admins On the TEXTML Server in the Test environment, set the group with the Roles: Server administrator.