Backup requirements

Most of the files in the deployment do not need to be backed up since they can be reinstalled from the original installation files. The only essential component that must be backed up is the docbase.

The entire docbase can be backed up using any one of a variety of methods. See Methods of backing up the Content Store.

MadCap Software also recommends backing up configuration files at the moment they get implemented or changed, including:

  • IXIA TEXTML Server: Save a copy of the license and the textmlservercfg.xml file.
  • Output Generator: Save a copy of the entire folder.
  • Scheduler: Save a copy of the entire folder.
  • Web: Save a copy of the properties.txt file.

Once backups are generated for the necessary files, you must use a third-party backup solution for managing the archiving, retention, rotation, and off-site storage for the backup files. Your backup solution can employ a file backup agent or a snapshot volume solution (OS, SAN, or VM snapshots are supported) to manage the backup files.

IXIA CCMS Desktop does not require backups because it can be reinstalled. However, it is recommended to commit (Release or Check In) locked documents daily to prevent loosing too many changes if a local workspace becomes corrupted or is lost. For convenience, users might also want to export their preferences from their workspaces to keep as backup.