How can I add a specialized element that we created to the advanced search?

You can create an index to display the specialized element in the advanced search.


We created a specialized element called <edition> and want to be able to search for it in the advanced search using the element type dropdown list.


In the TEXTML Administration perspective, perform the following:
  1. Edit the Index Definition file.
    CAUTION: Be careful when editing the Index Definition document. Changes can significantly affect the indexing process, and any errors in the document can lead to data corruption or other errors.
  2. Add the following index:
    <index NAME="edition" SYNC="False">
        <stringindex KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES="True">
            <element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="//edition"/>
  3. To add the index to the Advanced Search panel in the Search view, edit the system/conf/advancedSearchIndexes.xml file and add the following:
    <index display="Edition" listable="false" name="edition" type="index" views="ALL"/>
  4. When the indexing is complete, restart your IXIA CCMS Desktop.