Groups and related users

You can categorize users involved directly or peripherally with the documentation development process into groups, so that you can manage the users in the group as a unit.

In CCMS Desktop, once you create a group, a user who needs to assign a task or responsibility to another user can see all possible group members in the list related to that role.

Table 1. Group examples
Sample grouping


Member roles
  • Widget group
  • Widget Pro group
Team lead, writers, editors, translators, subject matter experts (SMEs)
  • Montreal team
  • Buenos Aires team
Team lead, writers, editors, translators, SMEs
  • Newcomer writers
  • Intermediate writers
  • Advanced writers

Groups and Content Level Security (CLS)

Groups are integral to CLS. Access to content in a DRM branch is configured by group. For example, you can grant members of the Widget group read and write access to content in the Widget product branches, while members of the WidgetPro group have either read-only access or no access at all to content in those branches.

Functions available only to Advanced Users

For licensing purposes, MadCap Software currently separates out two distinct groups: a standard users group that typically includes contributors and reviewers and an advanced users group that typically includes writers. The advanced user group has access to the following Oxygen functions:
  • Create a conref

  • Edit the content as XML

  • Edit an attribute

  • Generate an ID

  • Insert a section

  • Insert a variable

  • Reuse content