Enable MathML support for DITA 1.2
MathML is disabled by default in DITA 1.2. If you need MathML, you can enable it.
- Check out and open CompanyDitabase.dtd.
- Scroll to the MathML Integration within the DOMAIN ENTITY DECLARATIONS section.
Uncomment both entities as shown:
<!ENTITY % mathml-d-dec PUBLIC "-//IXIA//ENTITIES DITA 1.3 MathML Domain//EN" "../../org.oasis-open.dita.mathml.doctypes/dtd/mathmlDomain.ent" >%mathml-d-dec; <!ENTITY % equation-d-dec PUBLIC "-//IXIA//ENTITIES DITA 1.3 Equation Domain//EN" "../../org.oasis-open.dita.mathml.doctypes/dtd/equationDomain.ent" >%equation-d-dec;
- In the DOMAIN EXTENSIONS section, notice the MathML Integration section, whose contents are commented out.
From that section, copy the foreign and p entities into the
DOMAIN EXTENSIONS list, below the note entity:
<!ENTITY % note "note | %hazard-d-note; "> <!ENTITY % foreign "foreign | %mathml-d-foreign; "> <!ENTITY % p "p | %equation-d-p; ">
From the commented out section, copy the
entity into the existing ph entity in the DOMAIN EXTENSIONS list:<!ENTITY % ph "ph | %hi-d-ph; | %pr-d-ph; | %sw-d-ph; | %ui-d-ph; | %equation-d-ph; ">
Note: Be sure to add a | after%ui-d-ph;
. -
From the commented out section, copy the
entity into the existing fig entity in the DOMAIN EXTENSIONS list:<!ENTITY % fig "fig | %pr-d-fig; | %ut-d-fig; | %equation-d-fig; ">
Note: Be sure to add a | after%ut-d-fig;
. - Scroll forward to the DOMAINS ATTRIBUTE OVERRIDE section.
Add the
domains as shown:<!ENTITY included-domains "&concept-att; &glossentry-att; &glossgroup-att; &reference-att; &task-att; &hi-d-att; &ut-d-att; &indexing-d-att; &hazard-d-att; &abbrev-d-att; &pr-d-att; &sw-d-att; &ui-d-att; &taskbody-constraints; &localization-loc-d-att; &mathml-d-att; &equation-d-att; " >
- Scroll forward to the MathML Integration section within the DOMAIN ELEMENT INTEGRATION section.
Uncomment both entities as shown:
<!ENTITY % mathml-d-def PUBLIC "-//IXIA//ELEMENTS DITA 1.3 MathML Domain//EN" "../../org.oasis-open.dita.mathml.doctypes/dtd/mathmlDomain.mod" >%mathml-d-def; <!ENTITY % equation-d-def PUBLIC "-//IXIA//ELEMENTS DITA 1.3 Equation Domain//EN" "../../org.oasis-open.dita.mathml.doctypes/dtd/equationDomain.mod" >%equation-d-def;
- Save, close, and check in CompanyDitabase.dtd.