Edit the custom plugin's catalog for DITA 1.3 (DRM)

After you create your custom shell DTDs, you need to edit your plugin's catalog to reference those DTDs.

  1. Check out and open catalog.xml file (in com.company.dtd).
  2. Delete everything inside the first set of <group></group> tags except for the following:
    • the <!--Topics--> comment
    • the line that points to IxiaDitabase.dtd
  3. Delete everything inside the second set of <group></group> tags except for the following:
    • the <!--Maps with container model--> comment
    • the line that points to IxiaMap-drm.dtd
  4. Delete any other groups in the catalog.

    You should be left with only the following in catalog.xml:

    <catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog" prefer="public">
    		<!-- Topics -->
    		<public publicId="-//IXIA//DTD IXIA DITA Composite//EN" uri="dtd/IxiaDitabase.dtd"/>		
    	<!-- DTDs for the Dynamic Release Management -->
    		<!-- Maps with container model -->
    		<public publicId="-//IXIA//DTD DITA Map for Release Management//EN" uri="dtd/IxiaMap-drm.dtd"/>
  5. Change the publicId under <!-- Topics --> to match the public identifier of CompanyDitabase.dtd and the uri value to CompanyDitabase.xml:
    <public publicId="-//COMPANY//DTD DITA Composite//EN" uri="dtd/CompanyDitabase.dtd"/>
  6. Change the publicId under <!-- Maps --> to match the public identifier of CompanyMap.dtd and the uri value to CompanyMap.xml:
    <public publicId="-//COMPANY//DTD DITA Map//EN" uri="dtd/CompanyMap.dtd"/>
  7. Save and check in catalog.xml.

You now have your own catalog.

Next, you need to reference your custom catalog in the IXIA CCMS Desktop's master catalog.