Upgrade and configure IXIASOFT TEXTML Server version 4.4

The upgrade procedure begins with installing the new TEXTML Server.

Important: If your deployment uses replication or clustering, please contact IXIASOFT Customer Support before you begin the upgrade process since your instructions may differ.
Note: The examples used in the instructions are based on a deployment in which you are upgrading TEXTML Server 4.3 containing a docbase called ProdX (/docbases/TEXTML43/ProdX) to version 4.4. Your deployment may differ.

To install and configure TEXTML Server:

  1. Install TEXTML Server 4.4.

    TEXTML Server 4.4 can be installed on the same machine as TEXTML Server 4.3 without one overriding the other.

    • For information about installing TEXTML Server, see Installing and Configuring IXIA TEXTML Server for IXIA CCMS.
  2. Update the TEXTML Server 4.4 configuration by replacing the default values from the TextmlServerCfg.xml file in version 4.4 with the values from version 4.3 as follows:
    1. Open the TextmlServerCfg.xml file from each version.

      For example, in Windows, open C:\ProgramData\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer43\TextmlServerCfg.xml and C:\ProgramData\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer44\TextmlServerCfg.xml.

    2. Locate each of the following parameters in version 4.3, copy its value, and replace the default value of the parameter in the version 4.4 file.
      • MaxThreadCount
      • UseICUWordParsing
      • ConnectionTimeOut
      • RecyclingInterval
      • HeartBeatFrequency
      • PrependDate
      • DaysOfLogToPreserve
      • LogCalls
      • LogCallsDaysToPreserve
      • AllocateMultiplePools
      • LeaveFree
      • ReduceCacheOnIdle
      • CacheMaximumMemory
      • ForceMainMemory
      • Preload
      • MaxWildcardOccurrences
    3. Locate the Endpoint parameter in version 4.4 and replace the default value with the port number for TEXTML Server 4.4.

      For more information on the Endpoint parameter, see "Server parameters for configuration file" in Installing and Configuring IXIASOFT TEXTML Server 4.4 for IXIASOFT CCMS

      Important: If you installed TEXTML Server 4.4 on the same machine as TEXTML Server 4.3, establish a temporary port number for TEXTML Server 4.4 and edit the version 4.4 configuration to replace the default port number with the new port number.
      Note: If your deployment uses Kerberos authentication, it will not be possible to connect to TEXTML Server version 4.4 while it is running with a port number other than the one defined in the Service Principal Names (SPN) in the Active Directory. You will only be able to connect to it once you have completed the upgrade and configured TEXTML Server 4.4 to use the port number defined in the Service Principal Names (SPN).
    4. Locate the File parameter in version 4.4 and replace the default value (for example, log/textml_log.txt) with the desired path.
      Important: If you installed TEXTML Server 4.4 on the same machine as TEXTML Server 4.3, ensure that each version of TEXTML Server is configured with a different path. The TEXTML Server instances cannot share the same log file.
      Note: The path will be created automatically if the TEXTML Server process has sufficient permission.
    5. Locate the LogCallsFilename parameter in version 4.4 and replace the default value (for example, log/logcalls) with the desired path.
      Important: If you installed TEXTML Server 4.4 on the same machine as TEXTML Server 4.3, ensure that each version of TEXTML Server is configured with a different path. The TEXTML Server instances cannot share the same log file.
      Note: The path will be created automatically if the TEXTML Server process has sufficient permission.
    6. Locate Security parameter under the Server section in version 4.3, copy the entire block, and replace the existing block in the version 4.4 file.

      For example, in Windows, replace the following default lines in the version 4.4 file with the ones from version 4.3 (which will include additional values for ServerAdmin and ServerUser:

         <!-- Enables user authentication. Two types of authentication are available: Kerberos (Windows only) and local authentication -->
         <!-- False: accepts any username and password -->
         <!-- Determines whether to filter the search results according to the user's collection permissions. -->
         <!-- Enables the usage of Kerberos protocol to authenticate users. -->
         <!-- If True, TEXTML Server will authenticate its users locally on the system it is currently running. -->
    7. If you use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to provide secure communications in the deployment, locate SSL parameter in version 4.3, copy the entire block, and replace the existing block in the version 4.4 file.

      For example, in Windows, replace the following default lines in the version 4.4 file with the ones from version 4.3:

            <!-- Determines whether client-server transactions are encrypted. -->
            <!-- If UseSSL is True, determines the port used. -->
            <!-- If UseSSL is True, this parameter may be set to False to give users the option of using another protocol as well.
      		If UseSSL is False, the UseSSLOnly value is ignored. -->
            <!-- Specifies the path to the security certificate for the TEXTML Server server. -->
            <!-- Specifies the path to the private key. -->
            <!-- Specifies the path to the security certificate for the client server. On windows machines, C:\ProgramData\IxiaSoft\TextmlProxy\Certificates is a good place on Linux: /opt/ixiasoft/certificates -->
      Important: If you installed TEXTML Server 4.4 on a different machine than TEXTML Server 4.3, make sure the "new server name" for TEXTML Server 4.4 is a valid name for the SSL certificate. Otherwise, you may need to generate a new certificate.
    8. If you use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to provide secure communications in the deployment, copy the certificates from your TEXTML Server 4.3 installation to your 4.4 installation. For example:

      In Windows, copy the certificate file from C:\ProgramData\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer43\Certificates to C:\ProgramData\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer44\Certificates.

    9. Locate Security parameter under the DocumentBaseProperties section in version 4.3, copy the entire block, and paste the block in the version 4.4 file right before the closing DocumentBaseProperties element.

      For example:

      . . . 
              <value NAME="company\Group-Admins"></value>
              <value NAME="company\Group-Admins"></value>
              <value NAME="company\Group-Users"></value>
    10. If you were instructed by MadCap Software to change any other values in the TextmlServerCfg.xml file in version 4.3 to meet your deployment's needs, please contact IXIASOFT customer support to confirm if you need to replace the value of the parameter in the version 4.4 file with the values that were recommended for version 4.3.
    11. Save the TextmlServerCfg.xml file for TEXTML Server version 4.4.
  3. If you use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to provide secure communications in the deployment and you installed TEXTML Server version 4.4 on a different machine from where version 4.3 is installed, copy the root and intermediate certificates (in hash format) from TEXTML Server version 4.3 and paste it in the matching location in the version 4.4 installation.

    For example, in Windows you would copy the C:\ProgramData\IxiaSoft\TextmlProxy folder.

  4. Verify the TEXTML Server license.
    Both TEXTML Server versions use the same license. If you installed TEXTML Server 4.4 on the same machine as TEXTML Server 4.3 and the license is in the default location (for example, in Windows it is C:\ProgramData\IxiaSoft\Licenses), then no changes are required. If TEXTML Server 4.4 is not installed on the same machine, then please contact MadCap Software for a new license.
  5. Start the IXIA TEXTML Server server 4.4 service.
  6. Verify the logs to see if TEXTML Server 4.4 started correctly.

    For example, in Windows open the textml_log.txt file in C:\ProgramData\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer44\Log\ and check for error messages.