Migrate the docbase from version 4.3 to version 4.4

Once IXIA TEXTML Server 4.4 is installed, you must migrate the docbase in TEXTML Server 4.3 to version 4.4.

MadCap Software strongly recommends that you make a copy of the docbase before the upgrade because the procedure cannot be reverted.

Note: The examples used in the instructions are based on a deployment in which you are upgrading TEXTML Server 4.3 containing a docbase called ProdX (Windows: C:\docbases\TEXTML43\ProdX) to version 4.4. Your deployment may differ.

To migrate the docbase:

  1. Create a backup of the docbase from TEXTML Server 4.3 and store it in a safe location. This backup will be required in the next step.
    For information on creating backups, see Administration Guide for IXIA CCMS.
  2. Migrate the docbase:
    1. Copy the backup and paste it in a separate folder (for example: Windows: C:\docbases\TEXTML44\ProdX) for which the TEXTML Server was given write privileges.
      Note: By default, LOCAL SERVICE is the identity given to the TEXTML Server component when TEXTML Server is installed. But if the TEXTML Server is running in a cluster or if Kerberos is enabled in a network with multiple Active Directory Forests (or if an Active Directory Forest includes many domains) or a security reason prevents you from using LOCAL SERVICE, the TEXTML Server may be running as another user.
    2. Run the docbasevalidate.exe executable file from version 4.3 installation on the copy of the docbase intended for version 4.4 to bring the docbase to a known state so the conversion can proceed. To run the executable file, from a command prompt window run the following:
      For Windows:
      C:\Program Files\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer43\docbasevalidate.exe" --consumelog [--outfile <path-to-log-file>] [docbase-directory] [docbase-log-directory]

      Where [docbase-directory] is the location where you copied the docbase and [docbase-log-directory] is the location where the TEXTML Server logs are stored (usually the same directory as docbase).

      For example, in Windows:
      C:\Program Files\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer43\docbasevalidate.exe" --consumelog --outfile c:\temp\docbase_validate_report.txt c:\docbases\Textml44\ProdX  c:\docbases\Textml44\ProdX
      Note: The locations for [docbase-directory] and [docbase-log-directory] are often the same.
    3. Once the operation is completed, run the docbasetransform43to44.exe executable file from the version 4.4 installation folder on the same docbase. To run the executable file, run the following:
      For Windows:
      C:\Program Files\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer44\docbasetransform43to44.exe" --outfile [path-to-log-file] --convertStore [docbase-directory] [docbase-log-directory]
      For example:
      C:\Program Files\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer44\docbasetransform43to44.exe" --outfile [c:\docbases\Textml44\Prodx\docbasetransform.txt] --convertStore c:\docbases\Textml44\ProdX c:\docbases\Textml44\ProdX
      For example:
      /opt/ixiasoft/textmlserver/textml44.prod/docbasetransform43to44 --outfile /docbases/Textml44/ProdX/docbasetransform.txt --convertStore /docbases/Textml44/ProdX /docbases/Textml44/ProdX root

      During the conversion, a message similar to the following may be displayed, but can be ignored:

      2018-03-06 13:58:34.053065|Cannot open documents to deindex list. File not found.
      Note: A file called docbasetransform.txt is also created during the command execution.