Using taxonomy terms

In IXIA CCMS Web, you can apply taxonomy terms to only objects. The taxonomy terms apply to the entire topic, map, image, or ditaval.

When a taxonomy term is applied to an object, all parents of the term are applied to the object as well.

For example, the taxonomy term turtle is applied to a topic using this taxonomy.

  • Vertebrates
    • Reptiles
      • Turtles
      • Snakes
      • Lizards

The taxonomy terms reptiles and vertebrates are also applied to the topic. So if a user searches for a topic about reptiles, this topic about turtles is also found.

Applying taxonomy terms

To apply the taxonomy term, CCMS Web checks out the object, applies the taxonomy term, and then checks it in. This creates a new revision for the object.

However, if you have already checked out the object, the taxonomy terms are applied without checking in the object. A new revision is created only once you check in the object. And if you revert the object, the taxonomy terms are not applied.

How taxonomy terms are added

When you apply a taxonomy term to an object, CCMS Web adds the term to the object as a <category> element. Where this element is added depends on the type of object. For example, for a topic it is added in a <metadata> element near the beginning. For a map, it is added in a <topicmeta> element.

Viewing taxonomy terms applied

You can see the taxonomy terms applied to an object in the Taxonomy Terms dialog or the Taxonomy Terms panel.

If the taxonomy terms in a taxonomy are edited, a warning about the changes to the taxonomy appears in the Taxonomy Terms dialog and Taxonomy Terms panel. You can apply the changes to the object by updating the taxonomy terms applied.