Insert a reference to an external video

For HTML outputs, you can insert references to externally-hosted videos in IXIA CCMS Web topics. The referenced video is embedded in the topic and streams when viewed.

You can use IXIA CCMS to insert the video in the topic as an <object> element. When you reference videos without importing them into IXIA CCMS, it saves on storage and allows you to store videos in a central location. You must externally host the central location so that the target audience has access to the videos.
Note: How the videos appears in the final HTML output depends on your transformation scenario. To optimize this use of videos, your transformation scenario should be configured to handle <object> elements and any of their attributes that you want to use.

To insert a reference to an external video:

  1. In Topic Editor, click the location where you want to add the video.
  2. Switch the Main Editing area to the XML text editor:
    1. On the Oxygen Web Author toolbar, click Preferences button.
    2. From the drop-down list, select Edit as XML.
    The content in the Main Editing area loads in the text editor as XML.
  3. In the location you selected, paste the following code:
    <object width="480" height="293" data="" outputclass="iframe"> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/> </object>
  4. Change the @data attribute to the URL of the video you want to reference.
    For embedded HTML frames (such as YouTube videos), copy and paste the embed code into the field.
    Note: For YouTube videos, you can get the embed code by right-clicking the video in YouTube and selecting Copy embed code.
  5. Optional: Change the @width and @height values of the video as needed.
  6. Optional: Delete the @allowfullscreen attribute if it is not required.
    Note: Setting the @allowfullscreen attribute to true allows users to expand iframe videos to full screen.
  7. Click Switch to Author mode to return to the default Author mode.
An <object> element that references the video is inserted at the target location.