Examples for Advanced Search

You can use the Advanced Search to narrow down a search to find only the objects that meet specific criteria. This section provides a few examples for how you could use the advanced search feature.

Your search type options include searches by:
  • Index

  • Language for localized objects within a translation manifest or language manifest

  • Keyword within a context map

  • Last modified date

  • Object type

  • Objects assigned to or modified by user

  • Objects checked out by you

  • Task topics within a library branch, when you use DRM

  • Text string within an SVG graphic

Table 1. Examples of search types

Example search type

Example actions

By index

An index is a list of values that the software compiles with pointers to the documents that contain those values. For the identified index, the software tracks all audience attributes set for elements in the Content Store and which documents have the audience attribute.
Note: Administrators can configure the software to define whether an index is searchable or not. The configuration of your deployment also dictates index availability.
This example search for CCMS Desktop finds all topics with the keyword, such as sysadmin, with the attribute of audience, which is part of the Audience Index.
  1. Click in the Search for field and enter sysadmin.
  2. Select Audience from the Search in drop-down.
  3. Click Advanced Search Filter icon.
  4. Expand the Object Types filter, and then select Topics.
  5. Click Search.

By keyword within a context map

This example search finds all topics in a context with the phrase, such as delete.
  1. Click in the Search for field and enter delete.
  2. Select Full text from the Search in drop-down.
  3. Click Advanced Search Filter icon.
  4. Expand the Object Types filter, and then select Topics.
  5. Expand the Context filter, and then select the name of the context map you want to search from the drop-down.
  6. Click Search.

By last modified date

This example search finds all the topics modified within a custom date range.

  1. Click Advanced Search Filter icon .
  2. In the search side panel, expand the Last check in date filter.
  3. Click Custom.
  4. Select Between.
  5. For Start Date, either enter a date in the yyyy/mm/dd format or click Calendar icon to pick one.
    Note: Dates are inclusive. For example, a search for topics with a modification between 2020/01/01 and 2020/01/03 will find topics modified on 01/01, 01/02, and 01/03.
  6. For End Date, either enter a date or click Calendar icon to pick one.
  7. Click Search.

By localized language

This example search for CCMS Web finds all topics in all the selected languages for a translation manifest sent out for translation and then imported in Spanish localized to Spain and Mandarin Chinese.
  1. Click Advanced Search Filter icon .
  2. Expand the Languages filter to select a language or multiple languages, and then expand the drop-down to select zh-cn Chinese and es-es Spanish.
  3. Expand the Object Types filter, and then expand Topics to access the topic subtypes.
  4. Expand the Translation Manifests filter, and then select Language-Manifest.
  5. Click Search.

By task topic within a library branch

This example search finds all DRM task topics in all the selected branches of the library. This includes topics shared between branches and topics in only one branch.
  1. Click Advanced Search Filter icon .
  2. Expand the Object Types filter, and then expand Topics to access the topic subtypes.
  3. Click the Task checkbox.
  4. Expand the Context filter, and then from the Products / Libraries drop-down list, select the library you want to search.
  5. From the Branches drop-down list, select the branches you want to search.

By text string within an SVG graphic

You can search for any text string that appears in an SVG vector graphic that you uploaded to the CCMS Web repository in CCMS Web 6.7 or higher versions.

Important: Contact IXIA CCMS Customer Support for assistance in making older SVG graphics searchable.
Note: To be searchable, the text must be directly in the SVG vector graphic. If a raster image (PNG, JPEG, TIF) is embedded in the SVG graphic, any text in the raster is not indexed.

This example search finds a text string you need to update because of a user interface update, such as remove object, within all SVG graphics in the repository.

  1. Click in the Search for field and enter remove object.
  2. Select Full text from the Search in drop-down.
  3. Click Advanced Search Filter icon.
  4. Expand the Object Types filter, and then select Images.
  5. Click Search.