Sequential localization model

In the Sequential localization model, there is a one-to-one mapping between the files in localization and their authoring sources. Once language objects are created, they are updated whenever a new version of the source object is sent to localization.

First translation of an object

The figure shows the process for the first translation of an object in the sequential localization model.

Figure: First localization of an object in the sequential localization model
First translation of object
Stage Description

When a source object is translated into a language for the first time, the system creates a new object in the target language (referred to as a language object). A language object has its own Revision number as well as an Authoring Revision property, which stores the revision number of the source object when it was sent for translation.

For example, you send a source object that is at Revision 6 for translation. A new language object is created in Localization with its own Revision number of 1 and an Authoring Revision of 6.

The language object keeps the same name as the source object. Its content is still in the original language, but its language attribute is set to the target language. The language object has the tb translated state.

Create localization kit

When you prepare the localization kit, the language object still has the same Revision number (for example, 1), but its state is now in translation. The files sent to the translation team are in DITA format.

Import localization package

When translated content is imported into the Content Store, a new revision of the language object is created (for example, Revision 2). Its state also changes to review so that the translated content can be reviewed internally.

The Authoring Revision never updates so that it is always possible to correlate a language object with its original source.

Localization review

If the translation is updated during the review process, a new revision of the language object is created (for example, 3).

When the translation is approved, its state is changed to Done, and you can now publish the localized map.

Subsequent localizations

The figure shows the process for subsequent translations of an object in the sequential localization model.

Figure: Subsequent localizations of an object in the sequential localization model
Subsequent translations

When a new revision of a source object is sent to localization, the IXIA CCMS Desktop checks if a language object with the same value for the Authoring Revision property already exists in localization for the source object.

If there is a match, this revision has already been sent for localization and the localization process skips the file. For example, a topic with Revision 9 is skipped if there already is a language object for it with Authoring Revision 9 in translation. The topic could have been part of another map already sent for localization.

If the current revision is not already in localization, CCMS Desktop then checks the status of the corresponding language object in Localization:

  • If the status is Localization:in translation or Localization:review, the language object is currently being translated or reviewed. The language object in Localization cannot be updated. The Localize operation will report an error for the source object and will continue processing the other source objects.
  • If the status is Localization:tb translated or Localization:done, CCMS Desktop checks if the auto-translation feature is enabled and a previous translation of the language object exists in Localization:done status. Where both are true, it auto-translates the content using the translated text, and it then creates a new revision with the translated content. The language object is then ready to be sent to translation.

    If auto-translation is not enabled (or a previous translation does not exist), CCMS Desktop creates a new revision of the language object. The content is still in the original language and needs translation.