Reset text that was auto-translated

There may be cases where you want your content to be reviewed again by the translation team, even if the content has not changed from the previous translation.

This process assumes that auto-translation is enabled in your configuration and that the content has already been translated at least once. Check with your administrator if this process is configured in your deployment.

When you create a localization kit with auto-translation enabled, IXIA CCMS Desktop sets the translate="no" attribute on previously-translated elements. This ensures that localizers do not translate text that has not changed since the previous translation. If you want this content to be reviewed again, you can run the linguistic review process, which removes the translate="no" attribute from auto-translated text.

The linguistic review process is executed when you run the Prepare Localization Kit command on localized maps that are in the Localization:review status.

To reset text that was auto-translated:

  1. Change the status of the map and its topics to Localization:review
  2. Right-click the map and select Localization > Prepare Localization Kit.

CCMS Desktop generates the localization kit and removes the translate="no" attribute from pre-translated elements in the kit, according to the configuration.