Assign objects to users

You can quickly and easily assign objects such as maps or topics to users to work on.

User roles must be configured for each type of object.

You can use this procedure to assign a map, topic, or Collaborative Review to a reviewer. For Collaborative Reviews you can also assign reviewers at that time you create them, but you can still use this procedure to change who is assigned to the Collaborative Review afterwards.

If you intend to use IXIA CCMS Web for users to contribute or edit content, then you must set a Context Map when you assign the topic. A Context Map is the map in which the topic is contained. This map not only provides a user with the context for the topic so they understand how the content fits in to the object as a whole, but it also provides the source from which to resolve any keys contained in the topic.

Note: Depending on the configuration in your Content Store, if you assign an individual to a topic under multiple roles, he or she might see what appears to be duplicate assignments on their My Assignments page, but which are actually two assignments for the same topic under different roles. If this situation occurs and causes confusion, ask your system administrator to review the roles configured in the Content Store to make sure each role is configured with a different active status.

To assign objects to users:

  1. Locate the objects that you want to assign; for example, you can perform a search.
  2. Right-click the required objects from a view.
  3. Click Assign to from the menu.

    The Assignments dialog appears.

    The left pane displays all the roles that are configured for the types of objects you selected. If any of the checkboxes are selected, this means that some of the objects you selected are already assigned to people.

  4. If you want to filter the list of names displayed in the Assignee pane, do the following:
    • To filter by project, select the By project checkbox and click the name of the project from the list. To further filter the choices of projects to those of which you are a team member, select the My projects only checkbox.
    • To filter by group, select the By group checkbox and click the name of the group from the list.
  5. In the Assignee pane, expand each role to see who is available and select the assignees you want.
    You can enter text in the Filter results on the first column's text... field to find people.
  6. Optional: If you are assigning objects that are part of a project and you want to use the project's default role assignments, right-click the role name and select Use Project Default(s) > projectname (where projectname specifies the project whose role assignments you want to use).
    If there are no available projects, this section will be disabled.
  7. Optional: If assigning multiple objects, expand each person’s name to select the objects to assign that person.
    In the following diagram, two reviewers have been assigned topics:
    Figure: Example of reviewers being assigned to topics

  8. If the assignment is for users in CCMS Web, set the context map for topics:
    1. Right-click a topic and click Set Context Map.
      You can also select multiple topics holding SHIFT or CTRL before right-clicking.
    2. In the Set a Context Map dialog box, click the map in which the topic is contained. The associated map provides assignees context for the topic within its parent map and is also used to resolve the keys.
      Important: The parent map must be open in the DITA Map view for it to be available as a Context Map in the Assignments dialog box.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Repeat for other topics, as required.
  9. If the assignment is for users in CCMS Web, set the assignment rule:
    1. Right-click a topic and click Set Assignment Rule.
      You can also select multiple topics holding SHIFT or CTRL before right-clicking.
    2. Select a rule.
      Assignment rule Description
      Allow users to change status Users can manually change the status of the assignment.
      Note: You cannot select this rule if the role does not already allow users to change the status. This cannot override how roles are configured.
      Mark as finished if everyone is finished The assignment changes to finished for all users only if all assigned users mark the assignment as finished.

      You cannot select this to rule if the role only allows one assignee.

      Mark as finished if at least one person is finished The assignment changes to finished for all users if any assigned user marks the assignment as finished.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Repeat for other topics, as required.
  10. Optional: In the right pane, set the dates in the Due Date column by doing the following:
    1. Right-click an object and then select Set Due Date from the menu.
      An interactive calendar appears:

    2. Select the required date.
    3. Click OK.
  11. Optional: Add comments by doing the following:
    1. Right-click an object and select Edit Comment.
      A Comment window opens:
    2. In the Comment dialog box, type a comment.
    3. Click OK.
  12. Optional: Add a link to a website to point the assignee to additional information; for example, provide a link to a wiki page or to a ticket in a bug tracking system.
    1. Right-click an object and click Set external link.
    2. In the External Link dialog box, type the HTTP or HTTPS-based URL to the website.
    3. Click OK.
  13. Optional: If you need to clear the info you entered in any column, right-click the object and select one of the following:
    • To clear a due date, select Clear Due Date
    • To clear a comment, select Clear Comment
    • To clear a context, select Clear Context
    • To clear a external link, select Clear External Link
  14. Click OK.
The people to whom you have assigned objects will see the object names in their Todo Lists.