Generate output

The Generate Output command creates document deliverables in different formats.

You can generate the output of a single topic, a selected group of topics, or an entire map. You can even select several maps and generate the output for all of them.

The generated output is saved as a ZIP file on your local file system. If you generate the output for a single topic or map, the ZIP file contains either a single file of the output type you selected, or a folder structure that produces the selected file; the specifics vary according to the output type selected and your system's configuration.

If you are generating output for a single topic, the ZIP file name is compounded from the file name and its language up to a maximum of 100 characters; for example:

If you have selected several topics or maps for output generation, then a file called will be produced. This file contains other ZIP files—one for each document selected—each named as described above.

Note: Output is generated from the documents in the repository—not from the files you have locked on your machine. If you have unreleased documents in your map, you will not get the most recent content from the locked items.
  1. Use Search to find the document you want to output.
  2. Right-click the map(s) or topic(s) that you want to output.
    You can select several documents by holding down CTRL or SHIFT and clicking the documents.
  3. Select Generate Output from the menu.
    The Generate Output dialog appears.
    Output Generator Dialog
    The fields and selections that appear in this dialog are configurable by the CMS Administrator. The dialog above shows the current configuration at IXIASOFT.
    • Fields in bold blue text are required.
    • Entry fields may be filtered. If the text you enter appears in red, it is not valid for that field.
  4. Select the Output Format that you want to use.
    Each output format uses specific transformation templates. Some might even produce more than one output. See your organization's template descriptions for details.
  5. To apply a DITAVAL file to the output:
    1. Beside the DITAVAL box, click the browse button ().
    2. Select a DITAVAL file from the list.
      Your selection appears in the DITAVAL file to apply to output field.

    Click to clear the entry and choose a different DITAVAL file.

    Note: If no DITAVAL files exist in your Content Store, the DITAVAL box will not appear on the Generate Output dialog.
  6. Optional: To open the folder that contains the generated output when the transformation is completed, select Open output folder when done.
  7. To unzip the generated output when the transformation is completed, select Unzip when done.
    When you select this option, the Output Generator unzips the generated output in the output folder, in a sub-folder with the file name. For example, if the output directory is called Outputs and the generated output is saved in a file called, the file is unzipped in the Outputs\Web_Author_Installation_Guide.Dita2Pdf.English directory.

    If you select both the Open output folder when done and Unzip when done options, the Output Generator opens the folder that contains the unzipped files.

  8. Optional: To save these settings as the default, click Save Settings.
    This output format and its settings are automatically selected when the Generate Ouput dialog opens.
    Note: This does not save the ditaval you selected as the default.
  9. Click Create.
    A Progress Information dialog appears as the output is generated.
  10. Optional: Click Run in Background if you want to hide the Progress Information dialog and continue working.
    The Progress Information dialog will be minimized into the trim at the bottom of the workspace.

    You can click the Results icon to restore the Progress Information dialog or to view the results of the operation. Results icon

  11. When output generation is finished you have the following options:
    • If Auto save is enabled, the Generate Output dialog displays the location where the file was saved. Click OK.
    • If Auto save is not enabled, the Save As dialog appears. Confirm or change the proposed filename and location, then click Save.
    Auto save is set when you configure your import and export directories.
The ZIP file is saved in the specified location.