Customize the change_status_ticket.xsl template

To configure the change_status_ticket.xsl template:

  1. Open the TEXTML Server Java Console or the TEXTML Server Administration perspective in the IXIA CCMS Desktop.
  2. Connect to the server and the Content Store that you want to manage.
  3. Expand the Content Store's Repository note and browse to /system/scheduler/templates to locate the change_status_ticket.xsl file.
  4. Right-click change_status_ticket.xsl and select Check Out.
  5. Open the file in an XML editor.
  6. Modify the change_status_ticket.xsl template according to your preference.
    For example:
    • You can customize various parameters at the header of the template. For example, you can modify the company or the domain name in the <xsl:param name> element according to your preference.
    • You can customize the content of the email notification, such as the title and body of the email. For example, to modify the title of the email content, look for the following code:
      <xsl:template name="title">
         <xsl:text>IXIA CCMS Activity Report</xsl:text>
         <!--xsl:value-of select="user/firstname"/>
         <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
         <xsl:value-of select="user/lastname"/>

      Change the <xsl:text> element from IXIA CCMS Activity Report to a value of your preference.

  7. Save, close, and Check In the file.