Configure the connection to the Content Store

IXIA CCMS Scheduler must connect to the Content Store to synchronize the configuration locally.

If you do not configure the Content Store information, CCMS Scheduler will not start. This information is provided in the <configuration> element, as shown below:
<!--  This section is required to synchronize CMS configuration locally -->
   <dita.cms url="hostname" port="2500" docbase="docbase" secure="false">
      <user domain="ixiasoft" username="testuser" password="password" synchdir="c:/temp/scheduler/"/>
   <!--  TextMl, dita.out and smtp 
   If none are specified in job they fall back to this global TextMl connection -->
   <textml url="hostname" version="4" port="2500" docbase="docbase" secure="false">
      <user domain="ixiasoft" username="testuser" password="password"/>
   <dita.out url="localhost" port="1501" secure="false"/>
   <smtp url="smtp.ixiasoft.local" port="25" email="" />
   <dumpQueue filename="SchedulerQueue.txt" />

The configuration element defines the default connection to the Content Store for all CCMS Scheduler jobs. However, you can configure a connection that is specific to a CCMS Scheduler job by configuring the <textml>, <smtp>, or <dita.out> element inside the job. See the "Configure IXIA CCMS Scheduler jobs" section for more information.

To configure the connection to the Content Store:

  1. Open the %SchedulerDir%/conf/schedule.xml file.
    Note: If this is the first time that you are modifying the schedule.xml file, open the schedule.xml.empty file and save it as schedule.xml (remove the .empty suffix).
  2. In the <dita.cms> element, specify the following attributes:
    url IP address or name of the server hosting TEXTML Server.
    port IXIA TEXTML Server port (default is 2500). If you are using SSL security, specify the secure SSL port.
    docbase Name of the Content Store.

    If you are using SSL, set this parameter to "true".

    Note: To enable SSL, you may also need to install a CA certificate on CCMS Scheduler. See Installing and Configuring IXIA TEXTML Server for IXIA CCMS for more information.
    For example:
    <dita.cms url="continuix" port="2500" docbase="d4dox" secure="false">
  3. In the <user> sub-element, specify the following attributes:
    domain, username, password
    Domain, username, and password used by the Scheduler to log in to IXIA CCMS
    Note: You can also encrypt the password using the encrypt utility in the %SchedulerDir%/bin directory. Or if you do not want to set a password for this user, you can leave password empty (for example: password="").
    synchdir Working directory of the Scheduler
    For example:
    <user domain="acme" username="CMSServiceUser" password="admin" 
  4. In the <textml> element, specify the following attributes:
    id Currently not used. Leave this attribute as is.
    url IP address or name of the server hosting TEXTML Server.
    version TEXTML version.
    port TEXTML Server port (default is 2500). If you are using SSL security, specify the secure SSL port.
    docbase Name of the Content Store.

    If you are using SSL, set this parameter to "true".

    Note: To enable SSL, you may also need to install a CA certificate on CCMS Scheduler. See Installing and Configuring IXIA TEXTML Server for IXIA CCMS for more information.

    In the <user> sub-element, specify the following attributes:

    domain, username, password
    Domain, username, and password used by the Scheduler to log in to IXIA CCMS
    Note: You can also encrypt the password using the encrypt utility in the %SchedulerDir%/bin directory. Or if you do not want to set a password for this user, you can leave password empty (for example: password="").
    For example:
    <textml url="Continuix" version="4" port="2500" docbase="d4dox" secure="false">
       <user domain="ixiasoft" username="CMSServiceUser" password="admin"/>
  5. In the <dita.out> element, specify the following attributes:
    url IP address or name of the Output Generator server.
    port IXIA CCMS Output Generator port (default is 1500).
    secure Currently not used. Leave the value to "false".
    For example:
    <dita.out url="hostname" port="1500" secure="false"/>
  6. In the <smtp> element, specify the following attributes:
    url Address of the SMTP server for sending the emails.
    port Port of the SMTP server.
    email Address that will be used as the From address when the email is sent (Optional).
    For example:
    <smtp url="smtp.ixiasoft.local" port="25"/> email="" />
  7. Leave the <dumpQueue> element to filename="SchedulerQueue.txt".
    Note: The <dumpQueue> is a file that is created in the workspace each time a Scheduler job is processed. The file is located in the %SchedulerDir%/bin/ directory and lists all the Scheduler jobs currently in a queue.
  8. Save and close the schedule.xml file.