Standard access rights

These access rights are only for Standard deployments of IXIA CCMS. They control access to actions related to publishing and branching in CCMS Desktop.

Note: IXIA Dynamic Release Management (DRM) does not have a publishing feature, nor does it use these branching access rights. DRM has a different set of access rights for branches.
Name of access right What access right controls Where access right is used
Archive Allows users to archive a published map.

Users without this access right cannot archive published maps.

CCMS Desktop: For a published map, right-click > Archive
BranchDocuments Allows users to branch a topic inside a branched map in CCMS Desktop.

Users without this access right cannot branch topics, but they can branch other objects.

CCMS Desktop: For a topic, right-click > Branch > Branch Topic
BranchImages Allows users to branch images referenced by a previously-branched topic.

Users without this access right cannot branch images, but they can branch other objects.

CCMS Desktop: For a branched topic, right-clickBranchBranch Referenced Images
BranchResources Allows users to branch images referenced by a previously-branched topic.

Users without this access right cannot branch resources, but they can branch other objects.

CCMS Desktop: For a branched topic, right-clickBranchBranch Referenced Resources
CreateNewBranch Allows users to create a new branch in the Authoring cycle and simultaneously branch the selected map into it.

Users without this access right can branch individual objects into an existing branch, but they cannot create a new branch.

CCMS Desktop: In a map, right-click > Branch > Create New Branch
MergeWithAuthoring Allows users to replace objects in the Authoring cycle with their branched counterparts.

Users without this access right cannot merge branched objects into Authoring.

CCMS Desktop: In the branched map for a branched object, right-click > Branch > Merge with Authoring
Publish Allows users to publish a map and its child dependencies.

Users without this access right cannot publish maps.

CCMS Desktop: right-click > Publish