About document cycles

IXIA CCMS has a formalized document cycle that ensures that document development stays on track as topics, maps, and images are passed back and forth among the various users.

Important: Make configuration changes in a test environment and confirm they work before copying them to a production environment. For dedicated SaaS deployments, test the changes and then ask IXIA CCMS Customer Support to copy the changes to your production environment.


Cycles establish the larger framework for document development. For example, organizations typically have an authoring cycle and might also have a localization cycle that applies to maps, documents, and images. In a typical document cycle, content might be created by an author, approved by subject matter experts (SMEs), and then revised by the editor before being sent off for translation.

States and status

States identify the status of documents or images at each point in the cycle. For example, the review state for a document or image means that it has been submitted to SMEs for review. A document's cycle and state, written together, define its status; for example, Authoring:review. Moving from one status to another (i.e., status promotions and demotions) is done by users.

The figure below shows an example of documentation cycles and the states comprising them, which you can adapt as needed within your deployment.

Figure: Documentation process cycles and states