Remove configured access rights for an action

You can remove the access rights that were configured for an action, which permits all users to use the action. Removing the access rights for an action removes the limitations that you specified for this action.

Important: Make configuration changes in a test environment and confirm they work before copying them to a production environment. For dedicated SaaS deployments, test the changes and then ask IXIA CCMS Customer Support to copy the changes to your production environment.

Remove configured access rights for an action:

  1. Open the Access Manager window.
  2. Click lock manager icon Lock.
  3. In the Actions list, right-click the action and select Remove.
    All the conditions set for this action are removed. All users can now use this action.
  4. Click check in manager icon Check In Document.
  5. Inform users of the changes.
    The changes will be applied automatically once users close and then reopen their CCMS Desktop. Users can also apply the changes without restarting their CCMS Desktop by clicking IXIA CCMS > Synchronize Configuration. Additionally, refresh IXIA CCMS Web so that users will see the change reflected there.