General internal configuration files

The conf sub-collection within the system collection of the Content Repository contains configuration files used to customize the dictionaries, images, pie charts, and projects.

Note: Files identified with a "Yes" in the Adv column are intended for administrators with the advanced technical skills.
File name Description Adv Related Tasks
dictionaryExclusions.xml Contains a list of elements in topics to exclude from being spellchecked. No Configure spellchecker to skip an element
image_status.xml Contains the elements defining the colors for the image portions of the pie charts according to their states in each cycle. No Configure pie chart colors
map_status.xm Contains the elements defining the colors for the map portion of the pie charts according to their states in each cycle. No Configure pie chart colors
multiimage.xml Contains a list of the supported formats, resolutions, and thumbnail settings for images. Determines:
  • the format names available for images
  • the image types available for images
  • the default "needs translation" setting for each image type
  • thumbnail size
  • whether element or attribute used for automatically-generated alt text

Disable thumbnail synchronization for all users,

Configure alternative text during image insertion

Configure image formats and display settings

projectconf.xml Contains the definitions for the workload and work progress warning levels. Determines:
  • the role that can create projects
  • the number of days past due an expected date that an object is considered at risk, late, or very late
  • the pie chart color associated with at at risk, late, or very late status
  • the percentage of full allocation that a project resource is considered on track, at risk, or over-allocated
  • the pie chart color associated with at on track, at risk, or over-allocated status
No Configure multiple project settings
resource_status.xml Contains the elements defining the colors for the resources portion of the pie charts according to their states in each cycle. No Configure pie chart colors
topic_status.xml Contains the elements defining the colors for the topic portion of the pie charts according to their states in each cycle. No Configure pie chart colors