The webplatform collection

The webplatform sub-collection within the Content Repository system collection contains cascading style sheets (CSS) and XML configurations that control IXIA CCMS Web.

  • approvalcss.css

    This file enables to customize the appearance of approvals in CCMS Web. It can be edited either via the TEXTML Administration perspective or in the GUI of the CCMS Web.

  • autogenerated.config.xml

    This file stores the preferences for collaborative reviews and approvals that you set up in the GUI of the CCMS Web.

    Note: Do not edit this file.
  • collaborativereviewcss.css

    This file allows you to customize the appearance of collaborative reviews in CCMS Web. It can be edited either via the TEXTML Administration perspective or in the GUI of the CCMS Web.

  • web.platform.config.xml

    This file contains properties such as the default domain and default image format of images imported into CCMS Web. For information about these properties, search the Installing IXIA CCMS Web for this filename.

  • webroles.dtd

    This file defines the structure of the webroles.xml, which is described next.

    Note: Do not edit this file.
  • webroles.xml

    This file determines how users in each role use the track changes feature–whether it is always on and whether it is on by default. These settings can apply to objects in all statuses or only to objects that are in specific statuses.

  • webtemplates.xml

    This file stores the topic and map templates that you set up in the GUI of the CCMS Web.

    Note: Do not edit this file.