Understanding users.xml

The users.xml file is used for configuring who has access to IXIA CCMS along with the roles they have and groups they belong to.

users.xml keeps track of who has access to the CCMS, and what they can do on the system. It contains information about the name and location of the individual who has access to the system, in addition to login credentials, along with any roles or groups they are assigned to. It also determines which users have access to specific sets of features in IXIA CCMS Web.

Example user configuration in users.xml

A typical entry for a user looks like the following:

			<user active="true">
					<role name="Writer"/>
					<group name="Everyone"/>
					<group name="Advanced"/>

The elements in the code snippet work as follows:

  • user: contains all information for a single user. The attribute active="true" must be used to point out a current user of the system.
  • reference: additional information about this account, such as indicating that it is a demo account.
  • name: contains information about the name of the user
    • prefix: a title for the user, such as "Dr.", "Ms.", "Mrs.", "Mr." etc.
    • first: the first name of the user.
    • middle: the middle name of the user.
    • last: the last name of the user.
  • location: describes the geographic location of the user, or the name of the company division.
  • identifier: information on how the user is identified within the system.
    • domain: the name for the domain that CCMS is hosted on.
    • login: the login credentials assigned to the user.
    Note: The combination of login and domain (for example, paigeturner@ixiasoft.com) must be unique.
  • email: information on the format and address of the user
    • type: describes the format that the email address uses, typically set to "text".
    • address: the email address of the user. The email address must be unique.
  • roles: contains entries corresponding to the roles this user has within CCMS.
  • groups: contains entries corresponding to the groups this user is a member of within CCMS. This includes whether the user has access to CCMS Web Advanced or not.


CCMS Web automatically checks the changes that you make to users.xml for validity when you try to save. If something is invalid, you will not be able to save.

For example, if CCMS Web finds duplicate users, you will not be able to save users.xml. You will receive an error message telling you who the duplicate users are, and you must correct the issue before you can save.