Why am I seeing strange behavior in CCMS Web?

Some indexes need to be set to SYNC="True".


We are experiencing strange behavior in CCMS Web, such as
  • missing assignments
  • the Dependencies view not displaying the correct information
  • objects not showing valid branch information
  • unexpected results when performing actions such fork and edit on a topic

Some indexes need to be set to SYNC="True".


  1. Edit the Index Definition file.
    CAUTION: Be careful when editing the Index Definition document. Changes can significantly affect the indexing process, and any errors in the document can lead to data corruption or other errors. Consult with IXIA CCMS Customer Support before making changes if you are unsure.
  2. Change the following indexes to SYNC="True":
    • documentType
    • version
    • title
    • parentFileName
    • allreferences
    • contentlevelsecurity
    • status
    • keydef-pairs
    • objectType
    • id
    • description
    • contentdependencies
    • keyref-contentDependencies
    • primaryversiondocumentidentifier
    • containerref
  3. Restart the server with the installation of Apache Tomcat.