Management of objects submitted for localization

Your choices dictate the frequency of and complexity of your localization strategy and method. In addition, the relationship between various objects within the Translation cycle deeply impacts how those objects behave in certain portions of the localization process, which, in turn, impacts the final product.

Incremental or non-incremental localization methods

If you already use the incremental localization method for CCMS Desktop, you may need to make adjustments to your configuration before you migrate to CCMS Web. A map and its related children can be at any status when you use the Localize menu option.

If you use the non-incremental localization method for CCMS Desktop, and are ready to migrate to CCMS Web, each map and all its dependencies must have an Authoring:done status before the Localize menu option is available for that map.

After you create the translation manifest, each resulting language manifest contains a list of topics and images.

  • Topics and images that had an Authoring:done status have a To be translated status. If you are using the non-incremental method, you will not see this status.
  • Topics and images that had a status other than an Authoring:done status have a Translation:not ready status.
    Note: If you use the non-incremental method, you will not see this status.


Dependencies rely, in part, on object relationships and on the status of those objects.

Important: Because of the limited compatibility between CCMS Web and CCMS Desktop, it could cause confusion to have localized content in both locations. For this reason, pay close attention to the Localized to and Localized from sections in the Dependencies view. The Dependencies view uses the following guidelines:
  • Objects localized using CCMS Web do not appear in the CCMS Desktop Dependencies view as having the related localization activity.
  • Objects localized using CCMS Desktop appear when you search for them, but they are not visible from the Dependencies view of the source language in CCMS Web.
  • The source language map is the object upon which you create a translation manifest.
  • The translation manifest is the parent to the language manifest.
  • The language manifest is the child to the translation manifest and the parent to the target language map and its objects
  • The target language map and all of its dependencies are children of the language manifest
  • The target topics and images are children of the language manifest