Localization-related access rights

The following are new or changed access rights that pertain to various aspects of the new Unified Localization feature in CCMS Web 7.0. Review the new defaults and evaluate changes you need to make for your organization

Enable or disable localization in CCMS Web or CCMS Desktop

The following access rights determine whether localization is available in CCMS Web and CCMS Desktop. Configure these access rights as appropriate to make the transition from one platform to the other for localization.

Change Description
LocalizeCCMS access right (NEW) This access right enables localization in CCMS Web 7.0. It determines who can see the Localize option in a map's More menu. Configure this access right for the appropriate roles and groups to use localization in CCMS Web.

If you are not yet ready to use localization in CCMS Web, configure this access right to exclude all roles and groups.

LocalizeCCMS_api access right (NEW) This access right determines at what statuses objects are included in a localization kit for CCMS Web 7.0. Configure this access right to ensure the appropriate objects are included in the kits.

If you are not yet ready to use localization in CCMS Web, configure this access right to exclude all objects.

Localize access right This access right enables localization in CCMS Desktop7.0. It determines who can see the Localize option in a map's right-click menu. Configure this access right for the appropriate roles and groups to use localization in CCMS Desktop.

If you are ready to turn off localization in CCMS Desktop and move all localization to CCMS Web, configure this access right to exclude all roles and groups.

Localize_api access right This access right determines at what statuses objects are included in a localization kit for CCMS Desktop 7.0. Configure this access right to ensure the appropriate objects are included in the kits.

If you are ready to turn off localization in CCMS Desktop and move all localization to CCMS Web, configure this access right to exclude all objects.

Generate localization kits and import translated content

The following existing access rights that pertain to generating localization kits and importing translated content into the CCMS were updated for CCMS Web 7.0. After updating to 7.0, review your configuration and if necessary, re-configure these access rights for the appropriate roles and groups in your organization.

Change Description
ImportTranslatedContent access right (NEW) This access right determines who can import translated content in CCMS Web 7.0—that is, who has the Import Translated Content option in the hamburger menu.

For CCMS Web 7.0, this access right has been granted to the Translation Coordinator role and the System Administrators group.

ExportKit access right (NEW) This access right determines who can generate a localization kit in CCMS Web 7.0—that is, who has the Generate kit option available in the More menu of a Translation Manifest or Language Manifest.

For CCMS Web 7.0, this access right has been granted to the Translation Coordinator role and the System Administrators group.

Manage translated content

The following existing access rights that pertain to managing content in the Translation cycle were updated for CCMS Web 7.0. After updating to 7.0, review your configuration and if necessary, re-configure these access rights for the appropriate roles and groups in your organization.

Change Description
Lock access right This access right determines who can lock or check out objects in CCMS Weband CCMS Desktop.

For CCMS Web 7.0, this access right has been granted to the Translation Coordinator role and System Administrators group for maps, topics, images, and resources at status Translation:in review; and for Translation Manifests at statuses Translation:new and Translation:in progress.

Assign to access right This access right determines who can assign objects to other users in CCMS Web and CCMS Desktop.

For CCMS Web 7.0, this access right has been granted to the Translation Coordinator role and System Administrators group for maps, topics, images, resources, and Translation Manifests at any Translation status.

Change Status access right This access right determines who can move objects in CCMS Web and change the status of objects in CCMS Desktop.

For CCMS Web 7.0, this access right has been granted to the Translation Coordinator role and System Administrators group for maps, topics, images, resources, and Translation Manifests at any Translation status.

Apply Labels access right This access right determines who can add labels to which objects in CCMS Desktop. Labels are not yet available in CCMS Web.

For CCMS Web 7.0, this access right has been granted to the Everyone and System Administrators groups for Translation Manifests at any Translation status.

RevertTo access right This access right determines who can revert objects to previous revisions in CCMS Web and CCMS Desktop.

For CCMS Web 7.0, this access right has been granted to the Translation Coordinator role and System Administrators group for maps, topics, images, and resources at the Translation:in review status.

ManageWorklists access right This access right determines who can create Worklists and add or remove users and objects from Worklists in CCMS Web.

For CCMS Web 7.0, this access right has been granted to the Translation Coordinator role.

Snapshot access right This access right determines who can create a snapshot in CCMS Web and CCMS Desktop.

For CCMS Web 7.0, this access right has been granted to the Information Architect role and the System Administrators group for maps at any Translation status.

Manage outputs

The following existing access rights that pertain to outputs were updated for CCMS Web 7.0. After updating to 7.0, review your configuration and if necessary, re-configure these access rights for the appropriate roles and groups in your organization.

Change Description

Dita2Pdf access right

Dita2htmlhelp access right

Dita2xhtml access right

These access right determines who has access to the specified output type in CCMS Weband CCMS Desktop.

For CCMS Web 7.0, these access rights have been granted to the Everyone group for Translation Manifests at any Translation status.

Export access right

Export [DRM] access right

These access right determines who can export content in CCMS Weband CCMS Desktop.

For CCMS Web 7.0, these access rights have been granted to the System Administrators group for all objects at any Translation status.

For the future...

The following existing access rights were updated for CCMS Web 7.0, although these actions are not yet available in CCMS Web. After updating to 7.0, review your configuration and if necessary, re-configure these access rights for future use by the appropriate roles and groups in your organization.

Change Description
Delete access right This access right determines who can delete objects in CCMS Desktop and in future, in CCMS Web .

For 7.0, this access right has been granted to the Translation Coordinator role and the System Administrators group for Translation Manifests at any Translation status.

Pre-Localize access right This access right determines who can pre-localize a map in CCMS Desktop and in future, in CCMS Web.

For 7.0, this access right has been granted to the Translation Coordinator role and the System Administrators group for Translation Manifests at the Translation:new status.