Software versions

Software versions convey the significance of the software changes from one version to another. With each version release, you can infer the scope of change by the version number.

There are three main categories of software versions in IXIASOFT CCMS, which are tracked in the version number for a given release. The version number is written as For example:

Figure: Example of a release cycle
Diagram of a release cycle
  • Major software version releases increase, such as the move from to, when there are significant changes in the functionality or its components that require an important upgrade of the deployment. Changes that qualify include major upgrades of the underlying framework, such as Java or Eclipse, removal of an operating system that is no longer supported, or a major update of the IXIASOFT TEXTML Server version.
    Note: A release of a major software version can introduce changes that are not compatible with the configuration of an older version. In this case, IXIASOFT provides you with an upgrade procedure.
  • Minor software version releases increase, such as the move from to, to introduce new important features. A minor update may require configuration changes and component upgrades.
    Note: A release of a minor software version can introduce changes that are not compatible with the configuration of an older version. In this case, IXIASOFT provides you with an upgrade procedure.
  • Build number software version releases increase, such as the move from 6.1.140 to 6.1.155, to introduce bug fixes through service packs or hot fixes, which may require small updates to the components. No major upgrades are required. You may need to make minor configuration changes, which are documented in the related Upgrade Guide. Any change in the software must be backward compatible.