Enable local authentication for Windows and Linux

To enable local user authentication, you modify the configuration using IXIASOFT TEXTML Server.

When enabled, local authentication is performed each time a user attempts to connect to a TEXTML Server instance.

To enable TEXTML Server authentication:
  1. Edit the TextmlServerCfg.xml file for your TEXTML Server instance:

    cd /opt/ixiasoft/textmlserver/instance-name
  2. Set the <AuthenticateUsers> element value to True.
  3. Set the <AuthenticateLocal> element value to True.
  4. In the <Security> element, set the <ServerAdmin> and <ServerUser> elements to the names of the groups that contain all your users.
    For example, on Windows, you would enter:
       <value NAME="Everyone"/>
       <value NAME="Everyone"/>
  5. Save and close the file.
    The next time a user attempts to connect to a TEXTML Server instance, TEXTML Server will validate the username and password entered against the authentication system of the operating system.
You must now configure who can access TEXTML Server components (servers, docbases, collections) and documents. This is achieved by configuring TEXTML Server security through roles and permissions. See the Administration Guide for IXIASOFT CCMS for more information.