
This document has the steps for upgrading your existing IXIASOFT TEXTML Server from version 4.3 to version 4.4. It is for system administrators or docbase administrators who manage the TEXTML Server.

You can upgrade TEXTML Server before you upgrade IXIASOFT CCMS, or you can do both upgrades at the same time. There are advantages to both approaches:

  • If you do not plan to upgrade to the latest version of IXIASOFT CCMS right away, you can still upgrade TEXTML Server to benefit from new features, improved performance, and faster indexing. Separating the two upgrades splits the total downtime required to reindex the docbase over two periods. Upgrading TEXTML Server requires a full reindexing of the docbase, while upgrading IXIASOFT CCMS might require creating and indexing only a few indexes.
  • When you upgrade both at the same time, you reduce the total downtime time required to reindex the docbase. Upgrading TEXTML Server requires a complete reindexing of the docbase, while upgrading the docbase to the latest version requires a partial reindexing. If you perform both updates at the same time, the docbase will need to be reindexed only once.