Comments when checking in objects

Depending on the workflow settings in IXIASOFT CCMS, when checking in an object (such as a topic or map) you might be prompted to provide a description of the changes or add a tracker link.

Description of changes

You can type a short description in the Description of changes field to explain the changes that you made. This description appears with the revision in the Revision History page. These descriptions can be useful for tracking in which revision specific changes were made.

Tracker link

If you are using a bug tracking system (such as JIRA or Bugzilla), you can enter the bug number for the bug you are fixing in the Tracker link field.

Entering a bug number creates a link that you can use to open the bug in those tracking systems. The link appears in places like the following:

  • The Revision History page for the object
  • A Dynamic Grid where the object appears
Note: If different bug numbers are entered each time an object is checked in, the bug number that appears is always the one entered most recently.