Cloning objects

You can clone objects to make identical copies of the object in the same Branches as the original object. For example, you can use a clone of a topic as a starting point for a new topic based on the existing topic.

A clone is an exact copy of the existing object. The only difference between a clone and the original object is that the clone starts with a new ID and filename. However, you can edit a clone to make any changes you want. It is not limited by the content of the original object.

Dependencies of the clone

A clone does not have identical dependencies to the original object. It is a new object with its own dependencies. However, clones can start with some dependencies that match those of the original object.

For example, a clone of a topic would reference the same images as the original topic. However, other dependencies are not copied. The clone is not automatically referenced in all the same maps as the original topic. And the clone is not in Collaborative Reviews the original topic is in.

Note: Clones are also linked by the cloned to and cloned from dependencies. You can use these dependencies to find clones of objects.

Assignments and status for the clone

The clone is automatically assigned to the user who created the clone. The clone is assigned to the user in an active status for the user. For example, if a contributor cloned an object, the clone would start in Contribute status.

Clones in IXIASOFT Dynamic Release Management (DRM)

Cloning is different from forking or pushing an object. Clones are not different instances of the same object. They are considered to be new objects because they have new IDs and filenames, and they are always in the same Branches as the original object. If you edit, fork, or push a clone, it has no impact on the original object.

Objects you can clone

You can clone many of the objects in IXIASOFT CCMS Web, such as the following:

  • Maps
  • Topics
  • Images
  • Resources
  • Ditavals

However, you cannot clone objects used for review purposes, such as Collaborative Reviews and Approvals.