DTDs are validated at install and at start up

During the install process and when IXIASOFT CCMS Web starts up, the DTDs are validated. If CCMS Web does not start, check for any validation error messages.

In order to facilitate the deployment of any customized DTDs that may already exist in the Content Store system plugins folder, CCMS Web performs a validation check initially during installation, and then during each start up or refresh of the server.

If any validation errors are detected, an error message is written to an error log and also appears within CCMS Web Administration > Refresh Web Server page, and all other CCMS Web operations are halted.

The error message displays where and what type of error has occurred. For example, it might display something similar to the following:

The following errors have been detected:
			- (com.ixiasoft.dtdValidator.DTDValidator) Error in catalog file [C:\ixiasoft\ccms\apache-tomcat-9.0.73\work\Catalina\localhost\ixiasoft-ccms​\temp.dtd.validation\master-catalog.xml]: 
Element type "next" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".		

An administrator can then diagnose and fix any DTD problems that appear. Once fixed, click Refresh to re-validate the DTDs.