Duplicate active users must be disabled in IXIASOFT CCMS Web

Beginning with IXIASOFT CCMS Web 6.0, the application server will not support duplicate active users within the system. An administrator must remove or disable one of the two duplicate active entries either before or after running the Web Installer.

It is possible to have duplicate active user entries within CCMS Web, either by having the same name using different email addresses, or vice versa.

As the Web Installer runs, it automatically detects duplicate users. The Web Installer will provide an error report on duplicate users in the installer log file. An administrator can then remove or disable one of the two duplicate active entries once installation is complete.

Example error message and server log

If there are duplicate active users, the error message will look something like the following:

Installation successful.
WARNING! The docbase contains duplicate users. Duplicate users won't be able to connect.
For a list of duplicate users, see e:/Ixiasoft/ccms/apache-tomcat-9.0.73/logs/ixiasoft-ccms.log

The application server log will point to the duplicate active users:

2019-08-23 14:28:20.308 ERROR t:1 com.ixiasoft.application.Application.validateUsersXml:240 DuplicateUsers: The following users are duplicates and have been marked as duplicate:
2019-08-23 14:28:20.308 ERROR t:1 com.ixiasoft.application.Application.validateUsersXml:243 DuplicateUsers: j test [johnny.test@ixiasoft.com], jtest@ixiasoft
2019-08-23 14:28:20.308 ERROR t:1 com.ixiasoft.application.Application.validateUsersXml:243 DuplicateUsers: j test [johnny.test@ixiasoft.com], jtest@ixiasoft.local