Action icons for objects
For each object on the My Assignments page, beside it are icons showing the permitted actions available for that map, topic, Collaborative Review, or Approval.
Each type of object has different actions allowed for it. And the same objects with different statuses can allow for different actions.
Icon | Name | Description |
Check in | Your work on this object can be checked in to the repository. | |
Edit | You can edit the map or topic. | |
Move |
The object can be moved to the next state in the workflow, changing its status so that others can either work on it or review it. In a Collaborative Review, you can click Move to say you are done with the Collaborative Review. In an Approval, you can click Move to approve or reject the content. |
Revert | Your work on this object can be reverted and replaced with the previous version checked into the repository. |
Review | You can view the Collaborative Review and add annotations to the content. | |
View | You can view the Approval and approve or reject it. |