Moving maps and topics
You can use the Move action to push a topic or map to the next stage in the workflow, or use it to assign it to another user.
For topics and maps assigned to you (depending on your privileges), a Move button appears for that content object on the My Assignments page and either the Map Editor or Topic Editor, for maps and topics respectively.
When you have finished your work on a topic or map, you can use the Move action to push the content object to the next stage of the workflow and assign other users. This allows users in the next stage to start work on it.
Note: When you move an object to the next stage, you move it for all users
assigned to it. You should only move a topic or map to the next stage when all
assigned users for that stage have finished working on it.
You can also use the Move action to assign the object to another user without changing its current status.
To move a topic or map: