Oxygen quick reference
This topic gives examples of some of the short cuts and menu options in Oxygen XML Editor that can improve your productivity.
Quick element insert
While in Author mode, you can quickly insert elements by pressing Enter. When you press Enter, a menu appears, which you can use to search for and insert elements. You are only allowed to insert elements that are valid for the location you have selected.
Hot keys
The following table shows the default key mappings for some commonly used shortcuts in Oxygen XML Editor.
Your system may be set up differently than the defaults. If you have mapped any Windows CTRL+ALT shortcuts, the Windows shortcuts take precedence over the key sequences shown here. Some shortcuts may conflict with other Eclipse plugins.
You can change any key mappings through the Keys pane of the Preferences dialog.
Feature | Shortcut | Description and comments |
Lock a topic | ALT + L | Locks the current topic in the Oxygen XML Editor. |
Release a topic | CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + R | Releases the current topic in the Oxygen XML Editor. |
Create a topic | CTRL + ALT + T | Opens the Create Topic dialog where you can choose the kind of topic to make. |
Create a map | CTRL + ALT + M | |
Search and replace | CTRL + F | Opens the Find/Replace dialog, which you can use to search and replace within Oxygen XML Editor. |
Edit attribute | ALT + SHIFT + ENTER | Can use after selecting an element to edit attributes for that element. |
Context menu (right-click)
You can use the right-click context menu to activate the IXIASOFT CCMS extensions in the Oxygen XML Editor while editing.
The following table shows some actions available by right-clicking anywhere while in Text mode or Author mode:
Feature | Tool | Oxygen XML Editor | Description and comments |
Lock a topic | Right-click and select | .Locks the current topic in the XML Editor. | |
Release a topic | Right-click and select | .Releases the current topic in the XML Editor. | |
Replace with server revision | Right-click and select | .Replaces the contents of the current topic with the latest revision on the server. | |
View dependencies | Right-click and select | .Opens Dependencies view and displays the current topic's dependencies. |