Start the IXIASOFT TEXTML Server service on Windows
This procedure describes how to start the IXIASOFT TEXTML Server service on Windows.
Note: This applies only to On-Premise deployments.
To start the TEXTML Server service:
If you get the following error message when attempting to start TEXTML Server:
- If you did not obtain and activate your license, obtain it and try again.
- If you obtained and activated your license, make sure that the file
is saved in the correct directory (%ProgramData%/IxiaSoft/Licenses), under the correct name
(IxiaLicense.ilf). Some email programs add
the .txt extension at the end of the file,
which prevents TEXTML Server from starting. Note: If file name extensions are not visible, uncheck the Hide extensions for known file types option in the Advanced Settings view under Folder Options.