Install TEXTML Server

This procedure describes how to install TEXTML Server on Linux.

When you install TEXTML Server, you also create a TEXTML Server instance. The TEXTML Server instance is the service that runs the TEXTML Server software.

The name of the service will be as follows:
For example, if the instance name is ts01, the service name will be:
And the command to start TEXTML Server will be:
service textml.ts01 start

This procedure assumes that the .bin installation file was copied to the Linux machine, in the /root folder.

Note: You must perform this procedure as user root.

To install TEXTML Server:

  1. Open a command-line interface to the Linux machine as user root, using a secure shell client such as PuTTY.
  2. Run the following command to install bzip2 and Perl:
    yum install bzip2 perl
  3. Navigate to the /root folder and run the following command:
    sh <installer_name>
    For example:
    sh setuptextmlserver-gcc[x.x]-Linux-x86_64-[version].bin
    The following message is displayed:
    Textmlserver installation
    (I)nstallation (default) or files (E)xtract only? (I/e)
  4. Press Enter to launch the installation.
    The following message is displayed:
    Installation files will be extracted in: /tmp/25005/
    Note: The extraction location (tmp/25005 in the example above) is a temporary folder labeled with a random numerical string.
  5. Wait while the files are extracted.

    When the extraction is completed, the following prompt is displayed:

    (F)ull Installation (default) or (C)ustomized Installation (F/c) 
    For the IXIASOFT CCMS, you only need the following components:
    • TEXTML Server
    • Clients
    • Administration Console
      Note: Install the console only if you have a graphic interface running on the Linux server; if you plan to access TEXTML Server from a console located on another machine, you do not need to install the Administration Console now.
  6. Type C (for customized) and press Enter.

    The following message is displayed:

    Customized Installation...
    Textmlserver Installation? (Y/n)
  7. Press Enter.
    The following message is displayed:
    Metaservices Installation? (Y/n) 
  8. Type N to skip the Metaservices installation and press Enter.
    The following message is displayed:
    Clients Installation (Perl, PHP and Java)? (Y/n)
  9. Press Enter.
    The following message is displayed:
    Samples files Installation? (Y/n) 
  10. Type N to skip the Java samples for application developers and press Enter.

    The following message is displayed:

    Administration Console Installation? (Y/n) 
  11. Press Enter.
    If the following message is displayed, press Enter:
    Update the textml common libraries? (Y/n)
    The following message is displayed:
    Specify location for Ixiasoft folder (Default: /opt/ixiasoft)
  12. Specify the location for TEXTML Server, or press Enter to install to the default location.
    The installation runs; messages similar to the following are displayed, depending on the components you are installing:
    Textmlserver will be installed in: /opt/ixiasoft
                        Installing Textmlserver...
                        Installing libraries...
                        Installing clients (Perl, Php, Java)
                        Installing Administration Console...
    When the TEXTML Server is installed, the following message is displayed:
    Are you ready to configure your installation? (Y/n)
  13. Press Enter.
    The following message is displayed:
    Do you want to (create/update/delete) a Textml Server instance? (create)
  14. Do one of the following:
    • If this is the first time that you are installing TEXTML Server, or if you are updating an existing installation but want to create a new instance of TEXTML Server, press Enter.
    • If you are updating an existing installation and want to use the same instance name, enter update and press Enter.

    The following message is displayed:

    What is the path that will contain all TextmlServer instances?
  15. Press Enter to accept the default path.
    If this directory does not exist, a message similar to the following is displayed:
    The path "/opt/ixiasoft/textmlserver" does not exist currently. This
    program is going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this
    what you want? [yes]
    Press Enter to accept.
    A message similar to the following is then displayed:
    The list of instances of Textml Server:
    End of the list
    What is the name of the instance? [default]
    If TEXTML Server instances are already installed on the server, they are listed; for example:
    The list of instances of Textml Server:
    End of the list
  16. Enter the name of the TEXTML Server instance to create or update and press Enter.
    The following message is displayed:
    What user ID to use? [textml]
    This is the name of the user that will run the TEXTML Server instance. (When you create a docbase, you will need to give write permissions on the docbase folder to this username.)

    You can specify an existing user; if you specify a user that does not exist, the installation procedure will create it.

  17. To accept textml as the username (recommended), press Enter.
    Do one of the following:
    • If you are updating an existing installation, you see the following message and you have completed this procedure.
    • If you are creating a new instance, the following message is displayed:
      Do you want to install textmlserver as a service? [yes]
  18. To configure the TEXTML Server component so that it starts automatically when the TEXTML Server service is started, press Enter.
    The installation program confirms that the TEXTML Server configuration is complete:
    The following message is displayed:
    Configuring Clients.… 
    Which action do you want (install/delete) the Client APIs? [install] 
  19. Press Enter.
    The following message is displayed:
    What is the path that will contain all Client APIs? 
  20. To accept the default path, press Enter.
    If this directory does not exist, a message similar to the following is displayed:
    The path "/opt/ixiasoft/clients" does not exist currently. This
    program is going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this
    what you want? [yes]
    Press Enter to accept. The installation program confirms that the configuration is complete: