Install and start the Scheduler service (Linux)

This procedure describes how to install and start the Scheduler service on Linux.

To install and start the Scheduler service on a Linux server:
  1. Open a command-line interface to the Linux server.
  2. As user root, create a symlink that points to
    ln -sf /opt/ixiasoft/scheduler/bin/ /etc/init.d/scheduler  
  3. Install Scheduler as a service:
    /sbin/chkconfig --add scheduler
  4. Change the run level:
    /sbin/chkconfig --level 24 scheduler off
  5. Start the Scheduler service:
    /sbin/service scheduler start
  6. Check for successful startup:
    [root@writix bin]# cd -
    [root@writix init.d]# ./scheduler console
    Running Ixiasoft Scheduler...